Because of its easily damaged properties due to external impact, the transportation of vegetables is very difficult. Therefore, the supply chain requires seamless working so that the product can reach the end consumer in perfect condition. Not only taking into account the temperature and moisture, but the storage packaging must also ensure the product is always fresh and intact when reaching consumers. One of the extremely safe, popular product lines of packaging in vegetable packaging is air pillow bags. Join us in the following article!
Challenges for the transportation of fruits and vegetables

Although the concept of transporting products seems simple, there are many complicated things. Hundreds of millions of damage each year due to broken food during transportation. These food losses are mainly due to damaged products during transport, making them unable to sell.
Shocking and vibration occur during transport and can cause serious damage to the product. This is a big risk if the items are not packaged and properly qualified. Some shipping houses have too many products to transport, and they save packaging costs by the quality of all products on a vehicle, leading to the impact between the vegetable products themselves. each other causes damage.
Consumers do not want to buy products that are crushed or damaged. Therefore, if vegetable products are damaged during transportation, they will certainly be removed before entering the supermarket or stores.
There are fruits such as apples, citrus, and pears that have hard skin which is good for long trips because these fruits are strong enough to carry, there are some softer fruits like plums. But they may be crushed, crushed if affected. Therefore, it must be packed and processed carefully.
Ensure safety when transporting vegetables with air pillow bags

The air pillow bags are made up of 99% gas and 1% HDPE plastic with good durability, raw materials to finished products are environmentally friendly and this is considered a safe plastic for food and should be very suitable for packaging and preserving fruits and vegetables. In addition, this type of HDPE is also used to make medicine boxes and baby bottles for their safety.
The air pillow bags have a more cushion effect than traditional packaging materials. Because air pillow bags use a few materials to fill packaging spacing while packaging the product and reduce the waste of materials.
Air pillow bags can withstand the pressure of 40-70kg or more. They help avoid damage to the product effectively due to collision and extrusion between products with products and collisions between the product with the packaging wall during transportation. They are suitable for large fruits and fruits that are easily distorted and crushed when affected by melons, papaya, mango, etc.
Moreover, the air pillow bags have a compact coil, which is pumped and used on the spot, helping to reduce costs but also significantly saving storage space. Currently, air pillow bags can be seen that is a new standard in packaging e-commerce for e-commerce business owners to provide firm cushion protection for the product, ensuring safety for products during transportation, and the rate of damage decreases significantly.
If you have any questions or need any other information about the air pillow bags, you can immediately contact SkyPak for answers or follow the detailed video tutorial video here!